Austenprose’s Best Austenesque/Jane Austen-inspired Books of 2014

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Another fabulous year of reading has passed with many memorable books for Janeites to devour. We reviewed 68 of them this past year and would like to share our list of what we feel were the Best Austenesque Books of 2014. 

Best Austenesque Historical Novels 2014 

  1. Consequences: A Cautionary Pride and Prejudice Variation, by C. P. Odom (5 stars)
  2. Jane Austen’s First Love, by Syrie James (5 stars)
  3. The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen, by Shannon Winslow (5 stars)
  4. The Forgotten Sister: Mary Bennet’s Pride and Prejudice, by Jennifer Paynter (5 stars)
  5. The Secret Betrothal: A Pride and Prejudice Alternate Path, by Jan Hahn (5 stars)
  6. Pirates and Prejudice, by Kara Louise (5 stars)
  7. Emma and Elizabeth: A story based on The Watsons, by Jane Austen, by Ann Mychal (5 stars)
  8. Mr. Darcy Came to Dinner, by Jack Caldwell (5 stars)
  9. Follies Past, by Melanie Kerr (5 stars)
  10. First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected Love, and Jane Austen, by Charlie Lovett (4.5 stars

Best Austenesque Contemporary Novels 2014

  1. Lizzy & Jane: A Novel, by Katherine Reay (5 stars)
  2. Persuasion, Captain Wentworth, and Cracklin’ Cornbread, by Mary Jane Hathaway (5 stars)
  3. Unleashing Mr. Darcy, by Teri Wilson (5 stars)
  4. Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Bet, by Marilyn Brant (4.5 stars)
  5. Happy Birthday, Mr. Darcy (Austen Addicts 5), by Victoria Connelly (4 stars)

Best Austenesque Short Fiction 2014

  1. Almost Persuaded, Miss Mary King, a Pride and Prejudice Short Story, by P. O. Dixon (4 stars) 

Best Austenesque Mystery 2014

  1. Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas: Being a Jane Austen Mystery, by Stephanie Barron (5 Stars)

Best Austenesque Paranormal/Fantasy Novel 2014          

  1. Haunting Mr. Darcy – A Spirited Courtship, by KaraLynne Mackrory (5 stars)

Best Austenesque Young Adult Novel 2014

  1. When I’m With You: The Jane Austen Academy, by Cecilia Gray (5 stars)

Best Austenesque Young Readers 2014 

  1. Pride and Prejudice (Young Reading Series 3), by Susanna Davidson (5 stars)

Best Regency Era Novels 2014

  1. The Secret of Pembrooke Park, by Julie Klassen (5 stars)
  2. A Very Plain Young Man: The Hapgoods of Bramleigh Book 2, by Christina Dudley (5 stars)
  3. The Mark of the Midnight Manzanilla: A Pink Carnation Novel, by Lauren Willig (5 stars)
  4. As You Are, by Sarah M. Eden (5 stars)
  5. The Dancing Master, by Julie Klassen (5 stars) 

Best Austen-inspired Nonfiction Books 2014

  1. At Home with Jane Austen, by Kim Wilson (5 stars)
  2. Jane Austen: Her Life, Her Times, Her Novels, by Janet Todd (5 stars)
  3. A Visitor’s Guide to Jane Austen’s England, by Sue Wilkes (5 stars)
  4. Jane Austen: In Her Own Words and the Words of Those Who Knew Her, by Helen Amy (5 stars)
  5. Dinner with Mr. Darcy: Recipes Inspired by the Novels of Jane Austen, by Pen Vogler (5 stars) 

Best Austen-inspired Scholarly Books 2014 

  1. Northanger Abbey: An Annotated Edition, by Jane Austenedited by Susan J. Wolfson (5 stars)
  2. Jane Austen’s Country Life: Uncovering the rural backdrop to her life, her letters and her novels, by Deirdre Le Faye (5 stars)
  3. Jane Austen and Names, by Maggie Lane (5 stars)
  4. In Her Own Hand series boxed set, Volume the First, Volume the Second, and Volume the Third, by Jane Austen with introduction by Kathryn Sutherland (5 stars)
  5. The Hidden Jane Austen, by John Wiltshire (5 stars)             

Best Austenesque Debut Author 2014

  1. Ann Mychal, Emma and Elizabeth: A story based on The Watsons (5 stars) 

Best Austenesque Book of 2014 

  1. Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas: Being a Jane Austen Mystery, by Stephanie Barron (5 Stars) 

Our thanks and congratulations go out to all of the authors and their publishers whose endeavors entertained us so aptly. And, a very grateful thank you to all of our loyal readers.

The Austenprose Review Staff

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© 2015 Laurel Ann Nattress,

46 thoughts on “Austenprose’s Best Austenesque/Jane Austen-inspired Books of 2014

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  1. Great list, Laurel Ann! So excited that some of my favorites made the list– and this is such an awesome recap of another terrific year of Austen inspired books. Well done! Thank you for all your hard work and for providing such an elegant and reliable site for readers. My best to you in 2015!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hi Fran, I really enjoyed Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas. I must admit that while I read novels, I often imagine how the story could have been better if only…

      It is the editor in me, and the fact that I am overly confident in my opinion. Debating in my mind what would have been better is a curse and a blessing that are in constant conflict. It is great that you disagree with how Barron ended her mystery. It tells me that you were 1.) paying attention. 2.) Were mentally challenged by her story. and 3.) Are well read and creative.

      Happy reading, LA


    1. I just went through my Kindle and added all of the new books from this past year on to my Goodreads list. Oh my goodness. I don’t know about you Jenny, but I think I have more books in my library than I can read in the rest of my life.


  2. I’ve read an alarming percentage of this list already, but I’m really excited to add the rest to my reading list! I read JAFF almost exclusively in 2014, and I don’t think I want to stop. :)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m *so* honored to see Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Bet on this list and in such great company! Thanks to everyone at Austenprose for your time, dedication and wonderful reviews, and a very Happy 2015 to all who read this :) .

    Liked by 4 people

    1. My pleasure Stephanie. Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas was such a welcome addition and the pinnacle of my reading year. We are so lucky to have you writing again in the Austenesque genre. Truly blessed. I am so looking forward to your next installment. Many thanks, LA

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The only one I would not have put on the list is The Dancing Master by Julie Klassen. I read quite a number of her novels this past year, and though this was OK, the plot-line was too stretched out to be comfortable. Something needed to be done which even I was having a hard time distinguishing. Her other novels did not have this problem (possibly lack of good beta readers or editors who could pick it out).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Julia, thanks for your observations. Sometimes authors draw out the pacing for emphasis. We are so used to a very quick plot driven story from years of movies and TV shows that it is hard to re-introduce a slower burning, character driven pacing. It is an an older style of writing which reminds me of some my favorite classics. Since Julie Klassen’s body of work is so outstanding I hope you will give her new book The Secret of Pembrooke Park a try.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. There was a great number of well-written JA books published in 2014, and I’d hate to have to choose the best. I’m truly honored to be included in this list! Thank you so much, and here’s wishing a Happy New Year to readers and writers alike!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Jan, thanks for visiting. I am really thrilled that The Secret Betrothal was recognized this year and look forward to your next book. You have a very creative flair and I always appreciate your characterizations. Thank you so much for your passion and dedication to the genre.


  6. What an incredible list of favorites you and your team compiled, Laurel Ann! Look what a wonderful year it was for Austenprose and Austenesque literature – so many 5 star reviews! I’ve sorely neglected nonfiction novels last year. I hope to read some of the ones you have given such great reviews to this year! Thank for the wonderfully kind things you said to me on my blog! You are the true asset to this community and we are so very fortunate that you choose to share your talents, knowledge, and time with us! Thank you for all you do! It is very much appreciated!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for your acknowledgment Meredith. Myself and my reviewers don’t receive much praise, so it is greatly appreciated.

      It was a banner year. I did not realize how many books received 5 stars until I compiled the list at the end of the year. I was amazed. I think that the high marks are a great indicator of the quality that is being produced, which really pleases me. I hope that the bar has been raised and we will continue to receive fabulous new books in 2015.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I feel like such a little fish among so many great and seriously amazing bigger fish grouped here. This is a fantastic list and just goes to show what great crop of new books we had this last year. Thank you so much for including mine with the others. :)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It is indeed an honor to have “Consequences” included in this list and among these other fine authors. Becoming an author myself after a career in engineering is certainly nothing I ever anticipated, and it has been an entertaining and fulfilling adventure. Thank you very much, and best wishes for a successful new year.


    Liked by 1 person

  9. The quantity and quality of this list is astounding. The reviews of these books are a cut above all the rest and the writing talent herein is superior to many other genres. Looking forward to what’s in store here in 2015….

    Liked by 2 people

  10. The fact Jane Austen and the Twelve Days of Christmas shows up twice on your list puts it very high up on my TBR list–thanks for keeping us aware of all these tremendous new reads!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. There have been so many great suggestions on books on this list! Where to begin?? I have never been steered incorrectly on the reviews, so thank you so much; the reviewers put in so much time and thought into the reviews; that does not go unappreciated. Best wishes for the new year, Laurel Ann. You must be so happy to see so many happy followers! Cheers!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. You have a list very interesting, Laurel. A good percentage, even, I have been pending to read them. Only We have coincide in «Lizzy & Jane» this 2014. You have had a excellent rhythm of reviews; it’s surprising and great!

    Happy New Year 2015, Laurel!!

    Liked by 1 person

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