Being a Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge 2011

Being a Jane Austen Mystery Challenge 2011We love a good mystery – and when that mystery is combined with our favorite author Jane Austen – all is right in our reading world. Happily, since 1996 we have been spoiled beyond measure with author Stephanie Barron’s Being a Jane Austen Mystery series.

About every year or so a new novel has appeared and been promptly devoured. This last fall we had the honor of reading Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron, the tenth mystery in the series. It reminded us again what a great writer she is. “For fourteen years, and to much acclaim, she has channeled our Jane beyond her quiet family circle into sleuthing adventures with lords, ladies and murderers. Cleverly crafted, this historical detective series incorporates actual events from Jane Austen’s life with historical facts from her time all woven together into mysteries that of course, only our brilliant Jane can solve.”

Being a Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge 2011

We are very pleased to announce the Being a Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge 2011. If you have not discovered one of her wonderful mysteries, this is a great opportunity to join the challenge along with other Janeites, historical fiction and mystery lovers.

Novels in the Series

Challenge Details

Time-line: The Being a Jane Austen Mystery Challenge runs January 1, through December 31, 2011.

Levels of participation: Neophyte: 1 – 4 novels, Disciple 5 – 8 novels, Aficionada 9 – 11 novels.

Enrollment: Sign up’s are open until July 01, 2011. First, select your level of participation.  Second, copy the Being a Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge graphic and include it in your blog post detailing the mysteries that you will read in 2011. Third, leave a comment linking back to your blog post in the comments of this announcement post. If you do not have a blog you can still participate. Just leave your commitment to the challenge in the comments below.

Check Back Monthly: The Being a Jane Austen Mystery Challenge 2011 officially begins on Wednesday, January 12, 2010 with my review of the first mystery in the series, Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor. Check back on the 2nd Wednesday of each month for my next review in the challenge.

Your Participation: Once the challenge starts you will see a tab included at the top of Austenprose called Reading Challenges. Click on the tab and select Being a Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge 2011. Leave a comment including the mystery that you finished and a link to your blog review. If you do not have a blog, just leave a comment about which book you finished with a brief reaction or remark. It’s that easy.

The Prizes

Oh, of course there are prizes! Author Stephanie Barron has very generously offered one signed hardcover or paperback copy of each of the novels that we will be reviewing each month here on Austenprose to be drawn from comments left with each post, and one signed paperback copy of each of the eleven novels in the series to one lucky Grand Prize Winner to be drawn from comments left at any and all of the reviews left on this blog or yours. Yes, that means that your readers who comment on your challenge reviews have a chance to win too. Winners will be announced monthly two weeks after the blog post, and Grand Prize winner will be announced on January 01, 2012. Shipment to US or Canadian address only.

Bonus Stuff: Yes, of course there is more to get happy about. Availability of each of the novels in the series is great. The books can be purchased or eBooks download at most online etailers and brick and mortar stores. Since the series is so popular, your local library should be a great resource too.

One of the delights of the series is the incredible historical detail that parallel Jane Austen’s life. To expand upon our reading journey in 2011, author Stephanie Barron will be blogging about researching and writing each of the novels as we progress through the series at her Stephanie Barron blog. What an incredible resource and motivation for your reading challenge!

So, make haste and join the challenge today. I am so looking forward to revisiting all the novels in the Being a Jane Austen Mystery series in 2011 and hope you can join in too.


Laurel Ann


  1. Laurel Ann – Austenprose
  2. Theresa – The Treehouse
  3. Ruth – Book Talk and More
  4. Ruchama
  5. Karen Field
  6. Joanne – Slice of Life
  7. Kimberly – Reflections of a Book Addict
  8. Bella
  9. Kristin
  10. Dana – Much Madness is Divinest Sense
  11. Stephanie
  12. Staci – Life in the Thumb Reading Challenges
  13. Meredith – Austenesque Reviews
  14. Katherine – November’s Autumn
  15. Luthien84 – For the Love of Jane Austen
  16. Joan
  17. Wallace – Unputdownables
  18. Lauren Cartelli – The Literary Gothamite
  19. Brooke – Bluestocking Guide
  20. Angie – Attentively Attentive to All Things
  21. Jenna – Face to Face with his Heart of Mine
  22. Mimi – I Have a Writers Blog
  23. Susan
  24. Amy L.
  25. Velvet – vvb32 Reads
  26. Kerri
  27. Alice
  28. Emilee Turner – Another Binkley Sister Blog
  29. Lee Smith – Butterfly Blessings
  30. Mags – AustenBlog
  31. PJ – Book Reviews by PJ
  32. Nicole – Infusions of Wit From An Everyday Girl
  33. Valerie
  34. Krystal
  35. Whitney – She Is Too Fond Of Books
  36. Angela Traubel
  37. Katherine Keenan
  38. Anna – Diary of an Eccentric
  39. Andrea – Custard Kisses
  40. M. C. – This Life for Rent
  41. Patricia Gulley
  42. Alice – Jane Austen is My Wonderland
  43. Kim – Love Letters to the Library
  44. Valerie
  45. Kelli
  46. C. Allyn Pierson
  47. Jessica M. – Goodreads Bookshelf
  48. Angie – Never a Dull Moment
  49. Karen V. Wasylowski – Author Karen V. Wasylowski’s Blog
  50. Claire
  51. Kathi
  52. Angela Schwarz
  53. Lucy Parker
  54. Rita G.
  55. Nullifidian – Books Promiscuously Read
  56. Tonya – Christian Courier
  57. Linda M.
  58. Joanna – Old Soul Part Two
  59. Christina B.
  60. Becca – Looking Glass Reviews
  61. Misti – Misti’s Musings
  62. Theresa M.
  63. Maria Claudia
  64. BeingJennifer
  65. MacKenzie – Banter of a Blond Republican
  66. Janet – Note to a Friend
  67. Stacey Hamilton
  68. Tarina – Doodlebugs and Sweetpeas
  69. Cathy Crane – Cathy’s Reading List
  70. Olivia – 52 Ways to Make a Difference in 2011
  71. Cayla
  72. Marla – Starting the Next Chapter
  73. Ritamaie
  74. Laura S.
  75. Kelly – Tea in a Teacup
  76. Danielle
  77. You are next!

© 2007 – 2010 Laurel Ann Nattress, Austenprose

Being a Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge Graphic by Katherine Cox of November’s Autumn

165 thoughts on “Being a Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge 2011

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  1. I don’t have a blog, but I read yours daily and will follow along on the progess of this challenge. I haven’t read any of these mysteries, and I wonder if it is better to read them in order???


    1. Dear Linda B:
      I get asked that question all the time. I usually tell people to start with whichever novel appeals to them. But since we’re discussing a challenge, here, I will go out on a limb and admit that it’s helpful to read my series in order–for two reasons. First, the books begin with a twenty-six year old Jane in 1802, and have currently reached the publication of Pride and Prejudice in 1813. For a linear progression through Jane’s adult life, there’s nothing like reading the series in order. Secondly, there are recurring characters throughout the books you may enjoy meeting at the outset. Otherwise, each novel does stand on its own–and I hope you’ll check in with my blog from time to time to read about the inspiration for each of them. First post regarding Scargrave Manor will be up by New Year’s Eve, to kick off the Challenge. Happy reading!


    1. Hi Adrienne, to sign up, if you have a blog, write a post about your commitment and post a comment in this thread linking to it. If you do not have a blog, just leave a comment int this thread detailing your commitment. The complete details are listed in the post. Thanks for your interest. I hope you join in.

      Cheers, Laurel Ann


  2. These books have been a huge hole in my Austenesque reading. Typically, I have avoided books with Austen as a character, but have recently been venturing into the genre a bit more. I also kind of said I wouldn’t commit to any more challanges, as they kind of stress me out, but this one is very tempting. Since I have some time to sign up, I think I’ll order the first book and see how it goes before commiting myself, though I have a feeling all my caution has already been rendered pointless, as I am pretty excited about the notion.


    1. One book over the course of a year wouldn’t stress you, would it Alexa? You might find that you like them. I think Barron is an incredibly talented writer that you might learn something from as far as how she handles plot, history and style. Just a thought!

      Cheers, Laurel Ann

      PS I did not mean to imply that you needed to change your plot, history or style in your writing, just that it is helpful as a writer to see how others handle it. ;-)


  3. I’m in!!! i don’t want to commit to a level until I’ve read the first one (now on reserve for me at my local library.) Sounds great fun. My two guilty pleasures are Regency novels and Mysteries, so this looks perfect for me. I look forward to the books the comments, and maybe even a prize!! :)


  4. I’m going for Afficianado! I’d been planning to start this series after the New Year. This will just make it more fun. I don’t have a blog, I just enjoy reading others’. Count me in for this!


  5. You know, this is so strange. I came up with the idea for Scargrave Manor while I was pregnant with my first son (more on that later on my blog), and he’s now sixteen. This challenge is a great way for me to revisit the series and think about what a long, strange road it’s been. I was finding my “Jane” voice with the first book–Scargrave Manor–and in my own humble opinion the subsequent novels are more successful. Probably every writer believes she improves with each successive book. For those of you just starting the series, however, I hope you’ll persist at least to Book 2–Jane and the Man of the Cloth–which remains one of my favorites. We have a lot to talk about over the coming months!


  6. Hi Laurel Ann, you must be a mind reader because I was just eyeing these up at the bookstore over the holidays!

    I don’t have a blog anymore, but definitely count me in to join the challenge. I can’t wait to start the first book :)


  7. I would love to join the reading…I have already read all 11 books but will gladly re-read along with the rest. Truly an enjoyable series I greatly enjoyed it. I don’t have a blog but lurk here regularly.


  8. This is just what I need for 2011. I read Scargrave Manor on my Kindle for i phone. I loved it so much, I then found the Stillroom Maid at the Library. I want to read and reread all 11 books! I don’t have a blog, but will gladly comment.


  9. I don’t have a blog, tho I posted this link on my Facebook page. I have never read this series or joined any reading challenge so this will be a new delight for me!! Since this is a new endeavor I will sign up for Neophyte, but I would love to read each and every novel :)


  10. Have read ALL eleven of Stephanie Barron’s JA Mysteries (as well as her “Flaw in the Boood”) — and found myself eagerly awaiting them all. I welcome the opportunity to go back to the beginning and re-read them all (while also eagerly awaiting the NEXT installment in the series). WHAT FUN!


  11. Hi,
    I know that I can’t participate for the prize but can I join the challenge if my blog is in French? (It’s a blog dedicated to Jane Austen)


  12. I love a good mystery so I’d like to join as a neophyte and read 1 – 4 books in 2011. Should be fun.

    I can’t figure out how to copy the challenge image onto my blog… but I’ll keep trying.


    1. Hi PJ, to copy the image, just click on the graphic. It will open another page. Right click and “save image as” in a folder on your hard drive or on the desk top. From there you can load it into your blog image editor. Hope that helps. LA


  13. I’m new to your site and haven’t participated in anything like this before, but it sounds like a fun & interesting challenge. I don’t have a blog myself, but I’d like to take part. I’ve never read this series before, so I think I’ll start off at the neophyte level & depending on how I like it upgrade later.


  14. Hi, I am new to this site and very interested in joining in the challenge! Seems like such fun and this is a series I have not had a chance to get started on.

    So, I do no have a blog and I understand that I just state my interest in being a part of the challenge in this section, correct?



  15. I am SO loving these books! I just “discovered” them after hearing Stephanie Barron speak a couple of months ago at the JASNA AGM in Portland. I LOVE her writing – I LOVE all the real and personal information about Jane Austen and her life /world intertwined in a fun mystery! Excellently done! Count me in!!!


  16. Oops! Forgot to mention I’m going with “Discple” (have 2 daughters expecting babies this year – don’t know if I could get them all in) – – is this all I do to be signed up?


  17. I love a good mystery and I love Jane Austen! Looking forward to reading this series! I’ve not done something like this before but it sounds like a lot of fun! Neophyte!


    1. Finally getting back to check the details. I’ll begin at the beginning and see how far I get! Thanks for the invitation, Katherine, this sounds like fun! Neophyte, for sure.


  18. What a coincidence! I read all of Stephanie Barron’s mystery books several years back,
    and then recently read Jane and The Madness of Lord Byron. This excited my interest once again and I have reread all of Stephanie’s books over the Holiday Break.

    I think I love Lord Harold as much as Jane, and wonder if Stephanie Barron has ever considered writing The Gentleman Rogue’s story while on the continent or elsewhere? Would love to see his perspective of Jane.

    Did I mention I love Lord Harold Trowbridge? And Geoffrey Sidmouth is second :)


    1. Lara – you are in luck. You will be able to read more about Jane and Lord Harold Trowbridge as a short story in the upcoming Jane Austen inspired anthology Jane Austen Made Me Dot It, due out in Oct 2011. Stephanie has contributed the story Jane and the Gentleman Rogue. It is wonderful.

      I hope you will revisit her wonderful series and join the reading challenge.

      Cheers, Laurel Ann


  19. Put me down as an “aficionada”! I’m excited to share in this challenge as I already have had the series on my “to read” shelf for some time, this is the perfect reason to dive right in!


  20. I am so excited about this challenge. I have never read any of Stephanie Barron’s novels but they sound wonderful!! Put me down as a Neophyte! Thanks!!


  21. Count me in! I love mysteries and Jane Austen, so what could be better. Have actually not read any of these because I wanted to read the first one first and didn’t have it. Got in Portland while at the AGM and now I am sitting down to read. I already finished the first one this week. Definitely put me as an aficionada


  22. I’d like to join in! I’m going to go for the Neophyte level since I’m doing a couple of other reading challenges this year and starting law school in the fall (eek!), but I do want to read the whole series so maybe I’ll end up at a higher level by the end of the year. :) I don’t have a blog, but I’m planning to do reviews on my Goodreads account and I created a Goodreads shelf for the challenge. Here’s the link:


  23. This sounds like a great series! I have already put a hold on the first book at the library. I can’t wait to get started!



  24. Well, I’ve never done anything like this before but today I got on a Jane Austen kick. I love mysteries and I love to read so this seems a good match for me.


  25. I am looking forward to this challenge! Love all things Jane Austen and reading is a passion. I believe that disciple is the level for me. I am starting with the first book.


  26. Count me in! I love the Jane Austen mystery series, although I have not read all the books (only #1-7).

    I’ll shoot for reading all 11 books this year. I have #1-9 already.

    The link in my name goes direct to the relevant post, and the link to the general blog is:

    Books Promiscuously Read


  27. I too will be joining in the challenge, it sounds exciting indeed. I have not read anything about Jane Austen, but I’m confident that I will become a fan of hers. I will be reading at the neophyte level starting with book 1 and moving onward. My post can be found at the following link.


  28. I love these books. I’ve read and own the first 9 but I’ll reread them all this year plus #10 and 11. These are much better than most of the books with Jane Austen as a character.


  29. I’m so excited about this! I love the Jane Austen Mysteries and will take any excuse to read them all again. They’re the only fiction books, other than our dear JA’s, worthy enough in my eyes to be on my Jane Austen shelf at home.

    I’d like to enter as Aficionada and read all eleven books. My first post is here:


  30. I just found your blog. Love it! I don’t have a blog, but I do have a Facebook page. I could post there. Either way, I am totally committed to finishing reading the Being a Jane Austen Mysteries and continuing as they come out! I just finished Jane and His Lordship’s Legacy 20 minutes ago. I will put the next book on hold at the library as we speak, so to write or as I write, so to speak. mmmm…
    These novels are my Jane fix when I’m not reading Jane. I will continue on in the series. I will be at least a disciple this year and reread some or all of the previous books. Love them!!


  31. I am not sure how to register as I have read all of the books except the latest. I can always read them again.
    I think I can manage disciple.
    Off to order a book.
    (I should be grading papers….don’t tell the kids.)


  32. I am at #5 now (Stillroom Maid)– apparently that makes me a Disciple… So far. Onward! :) So enjoying this challenge! Had I known there were so many despicable rakes and “the Gentleman Rogue,” I doubt I would have put this series off for so long.


  33. I don’t have a blog of this kind, but I’ve read the first two mysteries and will hopefully be picking up the third one soon. I loved “Jane and the Man of the Cloth!”


  34. I am a new reader of your blog and was introduced to it via a link for this reading challenge. I’m coming in a little late, but would love to join in. I am committing to the Disciple level (procuring all of the books is a bit problematic for me, otherwise I would go for all 11!). I wrote about the challenge on my blog. The post can be found here:

    Thank you for hosting such a fun challenge! I’m really looking forward to it.


  35. I just discovered your blog a couple of days ago. I love Jane Austen, and I would like to participate in the Challenge. I will start at the Neophyte level, as I have never read any of these “Jane Austen Mysteries.” I am looking forward to it!


  36. I have read all of the books in the series and I am currently re-reading them and I am thrilled that this month you embrace Jane and the Stillroom Maid. That is the one I am currently re-reading. Thanks for the opportunity to read these again with some very interesting discussions.


  37. Please add me to the list. I just finished all 11 books yesterday (well, not in one day but over the past months or so). I had already read them in the past but wanted to read them all again before finally getting to Lord Bryon. (too many new books in the line on my nook!). I loved the Lord Bryon and am thrilled that Mona has returned. I always disliked the way Jane was treated by Lord Harold’s family. Anyway, book #4 (which i think is the current one on the blog) had great twists and turns and I think Jane is returning to the area in #12.
    I hope that the series continues, and maybe adds a new one in Derbyshire- it was alluded to in the begining of the Stillroom Maid.
    Thanks for the entry. ENJOY the books. I can’t wait for the next one.


    1. Wasn’t Lord Harold’s family gracious to Jane in Wandering Eye? And certainly Mona is always warm, though I wonder whether it was Lord Harold who tried to give Jane the emerald hair combs in Stillroom Maid; or perhaps it was Lord H’s suggestion to Mona as Lord H. didn’t likely have such a gift stowed in one of his own cases. Like you, I’m eager for the series to continue…


      1. Yes, that is where we meet them, but after his death, Mona is unwelcoming and the family tries to not have Jane received the chest of papers. Prior to that, things seemed OK


  38. What fun–I’ve been reading along since I discovered this challenge a couple of months ago and just finished Stillroom Maid. I continue to delight in how seamlessly Stephanie Barron unites fact and fiction.

    Reading Maid sent me to the computer more than once: to determine whether Swithin was more than a saint, for Desdemona is so engaging, and to verify that the title of chapter 9 was indeed Mrs. Gardiner’s dismissal of the Pemberley house in preference of its grounds.

    I admit, too, for a preference for garnering history from novels though I am aware of the inherent limitations of such a practice. Having read Foreman’s biography of the Duchess of Devonshire some years ago, I recognize some of Barron’s political allusions, though I was struck by the Whig party’s inception and Barron’s explantation of their idealogical conflict with the Tories—the Whigs, it would seem, explicitly opposed the Tories’ view of rule by divine right in favor of rule by the consent of the governed. Barron’s sardonic account of the Whigs’ distinction between people of wealth and “common rabble” perhaps reveals her own Tory leanings, a sentiment those of us who recently watched William meet Kate in Westminster might share.

    The excerpts of “Miss Arnold’s Stillroom book” were an added dimension of pleasure: though generally willing to give at least some credence to the increasingly lost art of herbal remedies, I feel fairly certain that her advice for “the getting of sons” was the most efficacious of Miss Arnold’s prescriptions, bound to produce the desired result fifty percent of the time. I’m struck with how vast a stillroom’s stock must have been, how seemingly difficult to have such a collection with the limited travel and access to resources. And though a teetotaler, I might almost prefer the “dose of strong spirits” advised so amusingly after the directions for the cock sparrow brain laced courage tart.

    Finally, Lord Harold’s silencing of Mr. Cooper’s singing (p195 of my version of the book) was a hoot! In Trowbridge indeed is one worthy of Jane Austen—here the line between fact and fiction is too well known insofar as Austen’s marital status. Had the characters all been fictitious, and of Austen or Heyer’s creation, our heroine would have had the ending, alas, that Barron’s bit of ivory cannot.

    By the way, I wonder whether I’ve read Ch. 9 aright: did Trowbridge and Austen set out in a landau but arrive at Chatsworth in a curricle?


  39. Lord Harold says to Lady Harriot: “You cannot flee one misery by choosing another. Do you understand me?” Such wisdom! I love Lord Harold.


  40. How I did not come across this soon I have no idea but I am going to join anyway. I read fast so I will go ahead and sign up for as Aficionada reader. I am looking forward to reading these books. I have read some of the reviews and they sound like great books. Can’t wait to see what everyone has to say and “meet” other Jane fanatics as well!


  41. Hello I would really like to join this I love all things Jane Austen and actually have a few 1st editions of Pride and Prejudice. Please add me I know I’m cutting it close to the cut off but I’m so excited to get into this series I have them all downloaded on my iPad. I will read them all. Thanks.


  42. I have just stumbled across this site … looking at Downton Abbey reviews, which by the way I love. I have just ordered the first two of these books and await their delivery. I am perhaps an Aficionada – after all I co-own a bookshop and am an avid reader. I am not too sure if I have done this right, but no doubt someone will put me on the right track.


  43. Hooray for this site! I’ve just discovered it, and it goes along perfectly with my new obsession for the ‘Being Jane’ mysteries. I love them! This year, I have already read the first nine (all free, from my amazing library!) and now I am embarking on number 10, and waiting for number 11 to come out later this year. Please count me in on this fun challenge! Thanks!


  44. I have just order the 3rd & 4th books in the Jane Austen series … loved the first two and looking forward to the next. 11 books you say … not quite half way there, but I should have them all read by the deadline.


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