A Preview & Guest Blog with Author Victoria Connelly, Author of Mr. Darcy Forever

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress: 

Please help me welcome Victoria Connelly to the blog today. Mr. Darcy Forever, the third novel in the Austen Addicts series, is now available for purchase.

We really enjoyed the first two novels in the series: A Weekend with Mr. Darcy and Dreaming of Mr. Darcy and look forward to reading this one too. Each of the novels are contemporary tales inspired by Jane Austen’s novels and characters and have been widely praised.

Today is its publication date and we are celebrating its release with a guest blog with Victoria.


Sisters are forever…

Sisters Sarah and Mia Castle haven’t spoken for three years but they’re about to meet again – at the Jane Austen Festival in Bath. But what was it that drove them apart and can the magic of Jane Austen help bring them back together again?


It’s really exciting to see Mr. Darcy Forever hit the shelves.  It hardly seems a minute ago since I came up with the idea for a trilogy about Jane Austen addicts.  I had been visiting many of the Austen locations: Chawton, Steventon, and Winchester in Hampshire, Lyme Regis in Dorset and the Georgian city of Bath.  I’ve always thought they were all so beautiful and I soon realized that I wanted to write about them.

I’ve been a lifelong Jane Austen fan and it amazes me how her work has stood the test of time and how readers are still so in love with her characters and stories, and I really wanted to explore that.  Why are these books is still so important to us today?  Why are we still obsessed with Mr. Darcy and Captain Wentworth?  And can there ever be enough TV and film adaptations?  These were just some of the questions I hoped to answer in my trilogy.

There are lots of books written about Austen’s heroes and heroines – prequels, sequels, and spin-offs – but there aren’t many books written about her fans and that’s what I wanted to do.  I didn’t want to rewrite Austen’s books but I did want to make references to them with, perhaps, the odd gentle nod with my own characters.  Mr. Darcy Forever is the closest book in my trilogy to an original Austen novel because I wanted to examine the relationship between two very different sisters: Sarah and Mia.  Sarah has OCD and likes everything to be in order at all times.  She’s very controlled whereas Mia is impetuous and romantic.  Can anyone guess which Austen novel inspired my two sisters?

And my heroes?  I hope they are reminiscent of Austen’s own wonderful heroes being strong and dependable, kind and loving – someone my heroine can turn to in times of trouble, somebody who will always be there for her.


Victoria Connelly at the Jane Austen House Museum (2012)Victoria Connelly’s first novel was promoted in Germany to celebrate World Book Day and was adapted into a TV movie. Her second novel was published as a lead title in the UK and chosen as a “hot pick” in Closer magazine. Her new trilogy is her first foray into Jane Austen related fiction. Connelly lives in rural Suffolk with her artist husband, Springer spaniel and ex-battery chickens. Visit Victoria at her blog, on Facebook and as @VictoriaDarcy on Twitter.


  • Mr. Darcy Forever: Austen Addicts (Book3), by Victoria Connelly
  • Sourcebooks (2012)
  • Trade paperback (336) pages
  • ISBN: 978-1402251382
  • Genre: Austenesque, Contemporary Romance


 We received a review copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Austenprose is an Amazon affiliate. Cover image, book description, guest blog, and author bio courtesy of Sourcebooks © 2012; text Laurel Ann Nattress © 2012, austenprose.com. Updated 6 March 2022.

40 thoughts on “A Preview & Guest Blog with Author Victoria Connelly, Author of Mr. Darcy Forever

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  1. Thank you for the interesting post :) I didn’t reaize until now that there are so many ‘Jane inspired’ modern authors and books. The ‘question’ about 2 sisters… well, “must” be the Miss Dashwoods :D
    I actually followed the link to Victoria’s blog. A lovely journey indeed :) I’m glad to have my day begun in picturesque Suffolk :)) thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stories on relationships between sisters never get old. I am looking forward to reading this last installment; I enjoyed the first two immensely. In response to what characters I would like to see Ms. Connelly write about, “Charlotte Lucas” comes to mind. I just finished watching the 1995 version of “Pride and Prejudice” (again) , and I was struck by how underrated Charlotte is. She is a pragmatist but knows what she wants out of life; she really is quite clever.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This does sound like tons of fun…I always found it rather curious that John Knightly, being the younger brother, married Emma’s older sister and managed to move to London despite Mr Woodhouse’s disapproval…..


  4. I only JUST read “A Weekend With Mr. Darcy,” and I just LOVED it! LOVED it! I immediately handed it over to my Mom, who is now enjoying it as well! As for what I would LIKE to see–well, more books like this! I so enjoy reading about Austen fans being Austen fans. I especially enjoy the little winks to Jane and her work, now and then. Thank you for doing this give-away! I look forward to reading more by Victoria Connelly!


  5. I read and loved books 1&2 and am very excited for the release of book 3. What next? Another Austen book, of course. Northanger Abbey or Emma! Thank you for the giveaway!


  6. i think it’s intriguing to read about any Austen novel with a contemporary setting because much of what she wrote about back then is still relevant today, as in the relationship between the sisters in Sense and Sensibility and their responsibility to one another and the family as a whole. I find all of the issues Austen dealt with intriguing.


  7. I think Fanny Price from Mansfield Park deserves a chance to shine in a new contemporary spin-off. Maybe Victoria should think about writing her if she wants to continue her Austen Addicts series.


  8. I read “Weekend with Mr. Darcy” and loved! It was so funny and very well written. I can’t wait to read this one.



  9. I have read “A Weekend With Mr. Darcy” and loved it! It was very funny and very well written. I can’t wait to read this one.


  10. I’d love to win Mr. Darcy Forever! I’m curious to see how Col. Brandon will be modernized, especially since a lot of his back story (e.g., being sundered from his first true love because his brother the heir had to marry her instead) seems like it would be difficult to update. Looking forward to reading the book!


  11. Danielle lent me her copy of “A Weekend With Mr. Darcy” and I loved every second of that read. I enjoy Victoria’s wit, sense of humor, tidbits of Austen reflection. I’m now in the process of getting my own copy. Unfortunately I haven’t got to read #2 yet but hoping to soon. And now #3 whoohoo. I think there’s too little out there in regards to “Northanger Abbey” and “Mansfield Park”. Mansfield would definitely be the harder of the two I think. Tho’ I’m one of the few that love Fanny Price. I enjoyed how Victoria explained how she came up with the idea – sequels, prequels etc. but looking at things from the fans perspective. With fewer novels from the modern fans viewpoint I think this is a superb way to look at things. Please put me in your entries to win a book.


  12. I think the sister drama that plays out in Jane Austen books P&P and S&S I feel if anyone of us has a sister loves the ups and downs in the relationships. Or any of us who don’t have a sister longs for the ups and downs. Playing the sister drama out never gets old. Thanks at a chance to win this I haven’t read it yet but will! Thanks


  13. Thank you for all your lovely comments, everyone, and watch out for the Kindle release of a little novella sequel I’m writing to the trilogy – ‘Christmas with Mr Darcy’ in which all the main characters from the trilogy will meet at Purley Hall for a special Jane Austen conference.

    It’s been a pleasure to research and write the trilogy and I’ve loved hearing readers’ thoughts about it.


  14. My favorite request would be a book based on “Emma” as she is sort of neglected. Thank you for the giveaway!


  15. I agree about Fanny Price needing to be modernized and put in the spotlight. I love her character and think she’d make for an interesting modern heroine!
    donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com


  16. My second favorite Austen novel is Mansfield Park so I would love to see that one tackled in a Contemporary setting.

    I am excited to read the book and enjoyed reading the post. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.


  17. Thank you for the post! Sense and Sensibility is my second favorite Jane Austen work (Pride and Prejudice is my first). I agree, with some other comments, I would love to see a contemporary Emma – I think that would be fun.


  18. I’ve read the first two books in the trilogy and loved them and can’t wait to get my hands on this one! Sister’s relationships do vary. I have two friends, twins, actually, and they have this tenderness between them that I so long for in my own sister’s and my relationship. My two friends are my Janeite friends on e-mail to each other and it is a fun way to talk about the latest finding in the JA world. One is a purist and only reads Pure Jane or maybe the occasional non-fiction about her. The other will read some of the spin-offs. Me? I’m in for all of it but the paranormal part. I’m really anxious to see what Ms. Connelly has done with these two sisters.


  19. Thanks for a chance at this giveaway! I’d like to see an updated Emma…one of my favourite books/characters. Cheers.


  20. I’d love for you to do a take-off on Emma for several reasons:
    J.A.’s Highbury is very close to London and this may lend an interesting contemporary story line in itself. I’ve always loved the slightly flawed heroine (Emma) and the mentor-like hero. (Mr. Knightley) And, just think of all the unique side characters you could have fun with!


  21. I think Miss Austen has given us an intriquing trio of sisters that deserve a prequel. The mother and aunts of Fanny Price have always made me wonder about their “back stories”….There are clues, alright but given the way their lives turn out you just know there has to be a story there somewhere. At least I surely think so…..


  22. I would also love to see something on the Northanger Abbey… it’s my 3rd favorite JA story, behind (of course) P&P and S&S! I think what intrigues me most about the S&S-inspired novel is how the author would portray the relationships between the sisters. I’ve always loved Elinor & Marianne, but I love the younger sister Margaret too – would be great to see what twist/spin would be placed upon her character.


  23. I loved the character of Marianne and I really did like Willouby even though he turned out to be a rogue. it is my second favorite of Jane’s novels so I can’t help but love S&S continued stories.

    Thanks for the giveaway!



  24. wow! just got this email notice & already the comment competition is steep!
    what intrigues you most about reading a Sense and Sensibility-inspired contemporary novel?
    that the author is Victoria Connelly !!
    she has my undivided loyalty ever since my first weekend with mr darcy ;)
    if Victoria has written it, i want to read it ! and a WIN would make it just that much more special ;))
    thank you Sourcebooks for your much appreciated generosity …


  25. I recently downloaded your first book to my kindle. Can’t wait for summer to have some time free to read. I don’t think I’ve ever read a contemporary S&S story. I look forward to reading yours.

    Gayle / S.C.Mema
    scmema at yahoo dot com


  26. Cannot wait to read Mr. Darcy Forever! There are not that many variations on S&S out there! Sad this is the last book in the series.


  27. maybe because i just finished watching Enchanted, but what about tackling some of the FairyTale Princesses & either modernized them or twist them up a bit!!! LOL!!!

    please enter me for the giveaway!!

    thank you!!!1


  28. I love the minor characters in Sense and Sensibility so I would love to see what they might get up to in a re-telling or modernization. :)
    Thank you so much for the giveaway!


  29. Mr Darcy Forever is next in my TBR list. After loving the first two books in the Austen Addict Trilogy, how could I miss the third one? Congratulations to Victoria Connelly on the release of her new novel!


  30. Looking forward to reading this. I’d be curious how a modern version of of Sense and Sensibility handles Edward’s secure engagement.


  31. I didn’t realize you had out the third book….I didn’t see it on my amazon list of recomendations…will have to look again pronto. Can’t wait to read your book. Loved the other two. ~jen red~


  32. I really enjoyed the first two and would love to win book 3! And I would like to see you do Persuasion. Anne and Frederick along with all their supporting characters are favorites of mine.


  33. I have been in love with Jane since college and she never left. What is harder is trying to keep the love alive and kicking in the 21st century but thanks to many authors who dare to keep the spirit alive I can still enjoy many stories that do have an meaningful message for many of us. After all Jane Austen was so much ahead of her time that many must have thaught her hard to follow. Jane Austen rocks and she manages to inspire me in so many ways that I love to see that I am not the only one who picked up her vibes!
    Personal I would love to see something Persuasion related popping up in a book store with your name on the cover.


  34. I recenltly read “The perfect hero” and loved it! I´d love to visit Lyme Regis one day!
    The most intriguing part of reading a Sense and Sensibility-modern novel is for me probably, that Sence and Sensibility is one of the 2 novels I can connect to less (the other being Mansfield Park). P&P and my all time fav Persuasion are current re-reads.

    I´d love to see a Mr.Tilney in a book of yours!


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