In Memory of Jane Austen ~ July 18, 1817 (via Jane Austen in Vermont)

Deb at Jane Austen in Vermont commemorates the passing of Jane Austen 194 years ago today. R.I.P. gilder of every pleasure.

In Memory of Jane Austen ~ July 18, 1817 [I append here the post I wrote last year on this day] July 18, 1817.  Just a short commemoration on this sad day… No one said it better than her sister Cassandra who wrote I have lost a treasure, such a Sister, such a friend as never can have been surpassed,- She was the sun of my life, the gilder of every pleasure, the soother of every sorrow, I had not a thought concealed from her, & it is as if I had lost a part of myself…” (Letters, … Read More

via Jane Austen in Vermont

Vic at Jane Austen’s World remembers Jane Austen’s life with a book giveaway of In the Garden with Jane Austen.

You can also read my previous posts of Jane Austen’s passing:

© 2007 – 2011 Laurel Ann Nattress, Austenprose

7 thoughts on “In Memory of Jane Austen ~ July 18, 1817 (via Jane Austen in Vermont)

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  1. I don’t really think of today as a sad day… today we should be celebrating her life. She has made a great impact on the world how many people die and 200 years later we are still talking about them and still loving them. She has inspired many authors and many readers. So I must say I’m not sad because she blessed the world so much through her writing.


  2. How would anyone have known at that time what a great literary giant had departed? Not sad but a whole lot of “what if’s.” One can only imagine what other superb works would have come forth from her fertile mind. In the scant three years since I have discovered Miss Austen, her world has made me a happier and more civil human being. She is one of those people you would like to meet in heaven…


  3. Jeffery and Karen… I think about that all the time. Will I meet her? Will she like me? And is she writing?????? I love it. It’s strange that you can feel such a bond with someone from so long ago.


  4. Yes I know we should celebrate Jane, but I feel sad because what we have here is people profiting so much from her legacy, I mean, an unfinished manuscript fetching $1.6 million, and all the spin-offs from the popularity of her works. It’s sad that she had to live in relative poverty and obscurity, that she did not live to taste success, or see how much she had influenced her posterior. It’s sad that she had limited means, or else she could have sought out better living environment and specialized doctor’s care for her health and treatment of her illness. It’s sad that she had to die so young, not been able to accomplish more, or even just finish Sanditon and The Watsons. Thanks to blogs like yours, Laurel Ann, we can learn more about dear Jane, and commemorates on this important day.


  5. I believe that Jane is looking upon all the Janeites in the world and is smiling, and probably even wondering where were all these kind of people when she was alive and writing and could have benefited greatly from such support. Only the good die young, and Jane was very good. Thank God she lived long enough to write what she did.


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