Jane Austen Centre Online Giftshop Website Re-Launch

Jane Austen Centre online Giftshop

Becca Hemmings, manager of the Jane Austen Centre Giftshop has contacted us to announce the re-launch of their new online website, selling exclusive and unique Austen merchandise Worldwide! This wonderful retailer offers an incredible assortment of Austen-inspired, books and craft items.Pride and Prejudice Peacock Shopper

One of my favs is the Pride and Prejudice Peacock Shopper. It is a complete replica of the 1894 cover of Pride and Prejudice designed by Hugh Thomson, and is gorgeous!

Be sure to visit the Jane Austen Centre Giftshop to check out the new website design and items available today!

© 2007 – 2011 Laurel Ann Nattress, Austenprose

6 thoughts on “Jane Austen Centre Online Giftshop Website Re-Launch

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  1. I love that bag also! I bought it about a year ago from their website and I am still in love with it!


  2. Oooh, so pretty! I tore through the gift shop when I was in Bath last month — what a cool place. Just wish I’d had — oh — another several hours there!


  3. On May 12 on Facebook (and probably other places), Jane Austen Centre’s Becca wrote:

    “New challenge – If we can get 1000 new subscribers to our online newsletter by 31st May – yes – you guessed it – we will have another weekend of free postage!!”

    I missed the last round of free international postage, but I do not want to miss this one. Postage is expensive, especially after you’ve paid the exchange rate for your purchases. I’ll take any savings I can get. We have through Tuesday to help make it to 1000. She said recently that we’re not there yet.


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