Mr. Darcy’s Letter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation, by Abigail Reynolds – A Review

From the desk of Christina Boyd: 

In this latest self-published offering from the Pride & Prejudice variation author, Abigail Reynolds’s, Mr. Darcy’s Letter responds to the query: What might have happened had Elizabeth Bennet never accepted Mr. Darcy’s letter that defended his actions in separating his friend from her sister and acquitted him of any cruelty toward Mr. Wickham? Reynolds’s poses a plausible scenario wherein Miss Elizabeth, conscious of society’s mores, refuses the risk of accepting this letter from a man, thus avoids the risk of being discovered and possibly forced to marry the last man in the world she could ever be prevailed upon. Consequently, she returns to Longbourn yet ignorant of Wickham’s debauchery and continues a dangerous acquaintance with that very scheming lothario and prevaricator.  As in Jane Austen’s masterpiece, how could her former prejudices against Darcy ever be removed so that she would eventually comprehend that he was exactly the man who, in disposition and talents, would most suit her?

Of course, her revelation of Darcy’s goodness takes further discovery but by the time she realizes her blunder – Wickham elopes with Elizabeth’s youngest sister, Lydia. And then, Darcy arrives too late in Lambton to learn of the Bennet family’s disgrace!  In an assembly of plot devices, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations, Reynolds artfully increases our suspense by illustrating the Bennets decline and how it taints Charles Bingley’s manners with Miss Jane Bennet. “‘Too many people know that her sister was seduced and abandoned, even if a marriage was eventually patched up somehow.  It would never have been an equal match between Jane and me.  She is a gentleman’s daughter, but her mother is not and now the family name is tainted.’”  Oh, how Darcy’s own words from the previous autumn seem to have come back to bite him in the arse!

As much as I enjoyed the overall romance of another Darcy and Elizabeth re-imagining, I was rather disconcerted by Elizabeth.  First she refuses his letter under the premise that a lady would never accept a letter from a gentleman she was neither related to nor betrothed. And yet, soon after Darcy and Elizabeth become engaged, they anticipate their vows?  On a fainting couch in the corner of Darcy’s dressing room serving as his study while at Netherfield!  “‘I want nothing more than to be your wife.  I wish I were yours this very moment, and nothing would ever separate us again.’ She tightened her arms around his neck, pressing herself closer to him, as if trying to make herself part of his very essence.” Reynolds creates such a riot of emotions that this modern-day reader, I suppose, must forgive Elizabeth’s lascivious zeal – it is Mr. Darcy after all!

In classic Abigail Reynolds style, her latest steamy and sensual romance novel is agog with machinations to drive the story to its final happy conclusion.  If reading about Elizabeth and Darcy sharing amorous favors before marriage is unsupportable, by all means, avert your eyes.  However should it take more to get your knickers in a knot, Mr. Darcy’s Letter should not be cast aside!  Enjoy!

4 out of 5 Stars


  • Mr. Darcy’s Letter: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Abigail Reynolds
  • White Soup Press (November 28, 2011)
  • eBook (262) pages
  • Genre: Austenesque, Historical Romance


We received a review copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Austenprose is an Amazon affiliate. Cover image courtesy of White Soup Press © 2011; text Christina Boyd © 2012,

9 thoughts on “Mr. Darcy’s Letter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation, by Abigail Reynolds – A Review

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  1. Reynold’s novels are a bit of a hit or miss with me. I’ve really enjoyed some of them, then others just haven’t sat well. This one does sound rather good, though. I’ve got a copy of this on my way to me, and I’m excited to read it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. wow sounds like an edge of your seat kind of book. I love Abigail’s books but it sounds like a lot of turnovers in elizabeth’s personality. I can hardly wait to read it myself and see. I loved the warning about the intimacy. thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love Abigail Reynolds books and think her ingenuity with P&P ‘what-if’s are wonderful. I have not read this one yet, but look forward to this new tangle of circumstances for Darcy and Lizzy to work through.

    Thanks for the insightful review!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. BTW this was the first book I read for review on my new Kindle– and all the formatting seemed perfectly fine to me. Apparently some self-pubbed books have formatting errors. This didnot seem to be a problem. Glad you liked the review. Thanks for the comments :))


  5. Having never read any of Abigail Reynold’s books, I’ve heard that they are, how shall we say, rather “racey?” My wife and I are thoroughly enjoying our new Kindles and I hope you are satisfied with yours. Another excellent and inviting review that piques the reader’s curiosity but does not reveal too-too much!


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