Escape to Sweeping Historical Drama in The Seamstress of Acadie, by Laura Frantz

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress:

Have you ever read a book that was so captivating that your own thoughts vanish, and you totally escape into the lives of the characters?

Every historical fiction writer aspires to achieve this pinnacle, but few succeed as well as Laura Frantz. Her new novel, The Seamstress of Acadie, takes us to Canada in 1754 during the French Indian Wars when the population of the French colony of Acadia was expelled from their land by the British. It is a very dramatic story, beautifully written by a talented author who has brought history alive through her characters.

I highly recommend The Seamstress of Acadie to those of you who enjoy stories inspired by real historical events and the lives of its people. Here is more information for you to digest.

Best, LA


As 1754 is drawing to a close, tensions between the French and the British on Canada’s Acadian shore are reaching a fever pitch. Seamstress Sylvie Galant and her family–French-speaking Acadians wishing to remain neutral–are caught in the middle, their land positioned between two forts flying rival flags. Amid preparations for the celebration of NoĂ«l, the talk is of unrest, coming war, and William Blackburn, the British Army Ranger raising havoc across North America’s borderlands.

As summer takes hold in 1755 and British ships appear on the horizon, Sylvie encounters Blackburn, who warns her of the coming invasion. Rather than participate in the forced removal of the Acadians from their land, he resigns his commission. But that cannot save Sylvie or her kin. Relocated on a ramshackle ship to Virginia, Sylvie struggles to pick up the pieces of her life. When her path crosses once more with William’s, they must work through the complex tangle of their shared, shattered past to navigate the present and forge an enduring future.


  • “Frantz’s atmospheric writing is easy to sink into, from the grimness of the disease-riddled voyage to the ethereal Acadian landscape. While William and Sylvie’s romance is a slow burn, there’s a rewarding payoff to this tale of second chances born from tragedy. Frantz’s fans won’t be disappointed.”— Publisher’s Weekly
  • “This book is undoubtably one of the best books I’ve ever read. I loved the faith thread, I loved the light in the darkness theme, I loved the characters, I loved the hope brimming from almost every page. I loved the growth (through every struggle and triumph), and I loved the history embedded into each detail.”— Tasha, The Clean Read Book Club
  • “Fantastic story! The beautiful writing engages the reader from the beginning… Laura Frantz’s books are exceptional because they evoke an abundance of emotions beyond the typical novel. I highly recommend this book to all historical fiction readers.”— Milena Bookish, Goodreads


Bestselling, award-winning author, Laura Frantz, has been writing stories since age seven. She is passionate about all things historical, particularly the 18th-century and her novels often incorporate Scottish themes that reflect her family heritage. She is a direct descendant of George Hume, Wedderburn Castle, Berwickshire, Scotland, who was exiled to the American colonies for his role in the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715, settled in Virginia, and is credited with teaching George Washington surveying in the years 1748-1750. Proud of her heritage, she is also a Daughter of the American Revolution. Though she will always consider Kentucky home, she and her husband live in Washington State.

According to Publishers Weekly, “Frantz has done her historical homework.” With her signature attention to historical detail and emotional depth, she is represented by Janet Kobobel Grant, Literary Agent & Founder, Books & Such Literary Agency of Santa Rosa, California. Foreign language editions include French, Dutch, Spanish, Slovakian, German & Polish.



  • The Seamstress of Acadie, by Laura Frantz
  • Revell (January 9, 2024)
  • Hardcover, Trade Paperback, eBook, & Audiobook (416) pages
  • ISBN: 978-0800740689‎
  • Genre: Historical Fiction, Inspirational Fiction


We received a review copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Cover image, book description, and author bio courtesy of Revell 2024; text Laurel Ann Nattress © 2024,, an Amazon affiliate.

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2 thoughts on “Escape to Sweeping Historical Drama in The Seamstress of Acadie, by Laura Frantz

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  1. Dear Laurel, I’m deeply appreciative of your review and the thought & care you give books, my book in particular. Your insights into the novel makes my author heart sing! It really is my greatest hope to bring history alive and in this case hidden history like Acadie. Heartfelt thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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