Mansfield Park: Fun with Fanny and Friends: Day 11 Give-away!

Here’s a little humor to brighten your Monday morning Janeites! 

Can you describe your life in six words or less? That was the question that Smith Magazine asked their online readers in 2006. What developed was an amazing array of comic, tragic and poignant mini life stories that are now available in the book Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure. 

Originally inspired by an incident in writer Ernest Hemmingway’s life, he was challenged to write a story in six words or less. He responsed 

‘For Sale: baby shoes, never worn,’ 

proving that the imagination can run with half dozen words creating a whole life story. This amazing collection of a “thousand glimpses of humanity-six words at a time.” is both contagious and addictive. Here are a few of my favorites 

Read romances. Met a man. Disappointed! 

Girlfriend is pregnant, my husband said. 

Most successful accomplishments based on spite. 

No wife. No kids. No problems. 

Aging late bloomer yearns for do-over. 

Wasn’t born a redhead; fixed that. 

Still lost on road less traveled. 

The Mansfield Park Six Word Review Challenge 

This creative and clever concept can be applied to almost anything we have an opinion on. So, the challenge that I am putting forward today is for Janeites to write a six word review of Mansfield Park, Jane Austen’s oft maligned and misunderstood novel! 

You can write about anything in the plot or characters that inspires you; humorous, tragic or snarky. I have written a few of my own to start you off. The most striking, funny or poignant reviews will be selected and announced in the Mansfield Park Madness roundup and deconstruction on August 31. Good luck! 

Be kind, because Fanny did mind. 

Resistance is futile. Surrender Fanny! 

The grey pony died. Fanny survived. 

Fanny Price. What becomes insipid most. 

What happens in Mansfield Park? 

Edmund Bertram sermonized. Henry Crawford womanized! 

Fanny Bashers conference in East room. 

Fanny Price? Wasn’t she on Broadway? 

Pug. Fanny Price’s Fairy Dogmother. 

Did Jane Austen write Mansfield Park? 

Poor Fanny. Rich cousins. Integrity wins. 

Mansfield Park Madness: Day 11 Give-away!

Leave a comment by August 30th to qualify for the drawing on August 31st for one


Jane Austen Address book, by Potter Style

Paperback, with alphabetical tabs. Image of Regency lady and Jane Austen portrait on the front. 120 pages, ISBN: 978-0307352385 

Upcoming posts
Day 12 – Aug 26          MP novel discussion chapters 33-40
Day 13 – Aug 27          MP 2007 movie discussion
Day 14 – Aug 28          MP novel discussion chapter 41-48
Day 15 – Aug 29          MP: Sequels, Spinoff’s and Retellings

24 thoughts on “Mansfield Park: Fun with Fanny and Friends: Day 11 Give-away!

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  1. A little cliched, but I have 2 which are around the same:

    “Fanny Price and Edmund Bertram forever.”


    “Fanny and Edmund Bertram forever, obviously.”

    Just a little one to get back at people who don’t think Fanny and Edmund will last. ;)

    And to also get back at people who think Fanny is annoying and boring:

    “Fanny Price is loyal and virtuous.”


  2. The Crawfords are shocking but fun.

    Fanny has morals, gets her guy.

    Austen’s most psychological novel, interesting stuff.

    Fanny is right. No one sees.


  3. Hello Mansfield Park Madness participants day 11

    I am SO glad that everyone is enjoying my little joke and understood how to create a 6 word reviews for Mansfield Park!

    My favorites so far are

    Sibylle – Poor relative. Ha-ha romance. Maria defects.

    Susan – Fanny pined while Edmund whined.

    Sylvia M. – Dear Miss Price, unnoticed, but nice!

    Dina – Mansfield Park intriguing, challenging and fulfilling.

    Keep up the good work. You are all so creative on Fanny’s behalf.

    cheers, Laurel Ann


  4. My none too clever offerings:

    Family Feud? The Price is Right.

    Crawford ‘gathers rosebuds.’ Fanny ‘gets headache.’


  5. (Love Amy Catherine’s game show puns! Clever!!)

    Longsuffering Fanny finally gets her due.

    Long book, much strife, two-bit resolution.

    Steer clear of that gene pool!


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