Stephanie Barron Featured on NPR

Author, and friend of Austenprose, Stephanie Barron has contributed an online article in the "Three Books" series on NPR. Which books did she choose? Why Regency-era of course. In Three Books, Two Centuries And One English Regency, Barron highlights: Seize the Fire: Heroism, Duty, And Nelson's Battle of Trafalgar,  by Adam Nicolson; The Battle: A... Continue Reading →

Jane and His Lordship’s Legacy: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 8), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress:  It is 1809, a significant year in the life of our esteemed authoress Jane Austen. After close to five years of being shuffled about England between relatives, the three unattached Austen ladies: widower Mrs. Austen and her two unmarried daughters Jane and Cassandra are given permanent refuge by... Continue Reading →

Jane and the Ghosts of Netley: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 7), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

It is the fall of 1808 and Jane Austen and her family are in mourning after the sudden death of Elizabeth “Lizzy” Austen, the elegant and enchanting thirty-five-year-old wife of Jane’s elder brother Edward and mother of eleven children. To entertain the two eldest boys while they stay with her in Southampton, Jane takes them... Continue Reading →

Jane and the Prisoner of the Wool House: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 6), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

In the winter of 1807, we find Jane Austen in the seaport of Southampton living in hired lodgings while her brother Francis Austen’s new residence is made ready for them at Castle Square. The Austen women (Jane, sister Cassandra, their widowed mother, and a dear family friend Martha Lloyd), will all be residing together under... Continue Reading →

Jane and the Stillroom Maid: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 5), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

Touring the Derbyshire countryside in the summer of 1806, Jane Austen, her mother, sister Cassandra, and cousin Rev. Edward Cooper are staying at the Rutland Arms in Bakewell, in the Peak District. While on a day excursion out into the country with Mr. Cooper and his friend Mr. Hemming, the gentleman enjoy angling along the... Continue Reading →

Jane and the Genius of the Place: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 4), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

In the summer of 1805, we find Jane Austen visiting her wealthy brother Edward and his large family at their palatial country estate Godmersham Park in Kent, enjoying the comforts of living above “vulgar economy,” and the privileges of ease and splendor. Her father Rev. Austen had passed away the following January, displacing herself, her... Continue Reading →

Jane and the Wandering Eye: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 3), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress: I confess to being a silly, shallow creature when it comes to my partiality to fine art and the stage. Show me a beautiful Regency-era portrait by Thomas Lawrence or Richard Cosway, mention famous Drury Lane actors Sarah Siddons and her brothers Charles and John Kemble, and my... Continue Reading →

Jane and the Man of the Cloth: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 2), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress: Manners meet mayhem again in the second Being a Jane Austen Mystery, Jane and the Man of the Cloth. It is 1804 and Jane and her family are traveling by post chaise to Lyme Regis on the Dorset coast to escape the oppressive summer heat in Bath when... Continue Reading →

Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor, Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 1), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress:  Imagine being present when Jane Austen’s unknown personal journals are discovered in an outbuilding on an ancient Maryland estate, Dunready Manor. Your friends the Westmoreland’s are distantly related to the authoress, and after restoration, they place the manuscripts in your care before they are donated to a major... Continue Reading →

Being a Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge 2011

We love a good mystery – and when that mystery is combined with our favorite author Jane Austen – all is right in our reading world. Happily, since 1996 we have been spoiled beyond measure with author Stephanie Barron’s Being a Jane Austen Mystery series. About every year or so a new novel has appeared... Continue Reading →

What happens when Jupiter aligns with Mars in the Jane Austen book universe?

Why three Austen inspired tales released on the same day of course… Tuesdays in the book publishing world means new releases, and today, September 28th does not disappoint. Three new Austen inspired novels officially hit the market. Yes, three! All the stars and planets must be alignment in the Jane Austen book universe for this... Continue Reading →

Austen Book Sleuth: New Books in the Queue for September 2010

Autumn is here -- and September is my favorite month of the year in book publishing.  There is always so much to choose from and this year does not disappoint.  The Jane Austen book sleuth is happy to inform Janeites of the many, many Austen inspired books heading our way this month, so keep your... Continue Reading →

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