Jane Austen’s Cults and Cultures, by Claudia L. Johnson – A Review

From the desk of Aia Hussein-Yousef: In chapter five of Claudia L. Johnson’s new book Jane Austen’s Cults and Cultures, she notes that in the first Jane Austen Society Report for the years 1943 – 46, a memory belonging to an elderly village woman named Mrs. Luff was recorded in which she remembers watching Jane... Continue Reading →

A Preview & Exclusive Excerpt of Jane Austen’s Cults and Cultures, by Claudia L. Johnson

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress:  On May 18th the highly anticipated new book, Jane Austen’s Cults and Cultures, by the eminent Jane Austen scholar, Dr. Claudia Johnson, releases from The University of Chicago Press. Described as an “insightful look at how and why readers have cherished one of our most beloved authors” Johnson... Continue Reading →

Jane Austen Book Sleuth: New Books in the Queue for January 2009

The Austen book sleuth is happy to inform Janeites that Austen inspired books are heading our way in January, so keep your eyes open for these new titles.  Fiction (prequels, sequels, retellings, variations, or Regency inspired)  Frederica, by Georgette Heyer. Accolades to Sourcebooks for taking up the banner and reissuing thirteen Georgette Heyer novels to... Continue Reading →

Jane Austen Book Sleuth: New Books in the Queue for November 2008

The Austen book sleuth is happy to inform Janeites that Austen inspired books are heading our way in November, so keep your eyes open for these new titles. Next month's edition of upcoming releases of Austen-esque books will include my selections of Jane Austen inspired holiday gift giving suggestions, so please check back on December 1st.... Continue Reading →

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