The Lure of the Moonflower: A Pink Carnation Novel, by Lauren Willig– A Review

All good things must come to end. And so it seems must my favorite historical romance series, The Pink Carnation—offering us its twelfth and final installment, The Lure of the Moonflower. *deep sigh* For eleven novels author Lauren Willig has enchanted us with Napoleonic spies, romance and laughter. It has been an amazing ride while... Continue Reading →

A Preview & Exclusive Excerpt of The Lure of the Moonflower: A Pink Carnation Novel, by Lauren Willig

It is release day for one of my favorite Regency-era series: The Pink Carnation, by Lauren Willig. Her latest and last installment is The Lure of the Moonflower. As you all gasp in shock over my last statement—yes—it is the last book in the series, now totaling 12 novels. This week, we are honored to... Continue Reading →

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