Emma: A Modern Retelling, by Alexander McCall Smith – A Review

From the desk of Katie Patchell:  Two years ago The Austen Project launched their first reimagined Jane Austen novel in the series, Sense and Sensibility (by Joanna Trollope), that has so far included Northanger Abbey (by Val McDermid), and the most recent, published in April of this year—Emma: A Modern Retelling by Alexander McCall Smith.... Continue Reading →

Northanger Abbey: The Austen Project, by Val McDermid – A Review

In the second installment of The Austen Project, bestselling Scottish crime writer Val McDermid takes a stab at a contemporary reimagining of Jane Austen’s most under-appreciated novel, Northanger Abbey. Written in the late 1790s when Austen was a fledgling writer, this Gothic parody about young heroine Catherine Morland’s first experiences in Bath society and her... Continue Reading →

Sense and Sensibility: The Austen Project, by Joanna Trollope – A Review

From the desk of Katie Patchell: Many books have been written to continue the stories of the characters that Jane Austen created, including sequels, prequels, continuations, and diaries. Most of these books have been written about the most popular of her novels, Pride and Prejudice while ignoring some of her other different, but equally well-written and... Continue Reading →

Austen Project Announces McCall Smith for Modern Reimagining of Emma

Those folks at HarperCollins really know how to make Janeites scream with joy—well—at least this Janeite, who is over the moon from their announcement last Friday that Alexander McCall Smith is slated to re-write Emma for The Austen Project. One of my favorite contemporary authors, McCall Smith is renowned for his delightful No 1 Ladies... Continue Reading →

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