Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 10), by Stephanie Barron – A Review

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress:  One thinks of Jane Austen as a retiring spinster who writes secretly, prefers her privacy, and enjoys quiet walks in the Hampshire countryside. Instead, she has applied her intuitive skills of astute observation and deductive reasoning to solve crime in Stephanie Barron’s Austen-inspired mystery series. It is an... Continue Reading →

What happens when Jupiter aligns with Mars in the Jane Austen book universe?

Why three Austen inspired tales released on the same day of course… Tuesdays in the book publishing world means new releases, and today, September 28th does not disappoint. Three new Austen inspired novels officially hit the market. Yes, three! All the stars and planets must be alignment in the Jane Austen book universe for this... Continue Reading →

Austen Book Sleuth: New Books in the Queue for September 2010

Autumn is here -- and September is my favorite month of the year in book publishing.  There is always so much to choose from and this year does not disappoint.  The Jane Austen book sleuth is happy to inform Janeites of the many, many Austen inspired books heading our way this month, so keep your... Continue Reading →

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