Austen Tattler: News and Gossip around the Blogosphere

"All that she wants is gossip, and she only likes me now because I supply it." Marianne Dashwood, Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 31 Jane Austen around the blogosphere for the week of February 1st Hot News of the week Definitely the upcoming release of the book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies which was taken the Internet... Continue Reading →

In the Garden with Jane Austen, by Kim Wilson – A Review

"To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure, is the most perfect refreshment." Fanny Price, Mansfield Park  It seems quite fitting that a quote from Jane Austen's character Fanny Price, who is an astute observer of natural beauty, should open this book with such a succinct statement expressing her delight... Continue Reading →

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