Jane Austen’s Country Life: Uncovering the rural backdrop to her life, her letters and her novels, by Deirdre Le Faye – A Review       

From the desk of Tracy Hickman: Ask any fan of Jane Austen what they love about her works and they can readily describe cherished characters, pithy quotes, and probably several screen adaptations that are especially close to their hearts. But what about what Austen loved? Jane’s niece Anna Lefroy remembered her aunt as a lover... Continue Reading →

4th Edition of Jane Austen’s Letters Due Out in November

Exciting news for Janeites! Deirdre Le Faye’s incredible scholarship on Jane Austen and her family continues in this new edition of Jane Austen’s Letters. Many will be thrilled to learn that this 4th edition not only includes a new cover, but updates! Here is the description from Oxford University Press: Jane Austen's letters afford a... Continue Reading →

Austen Book Sleuth: New Books in the Queue for April

The Jane Austen book sleuth is happy to inform Janeites that many Austen inspired books are heading our way in April, so keep your eyes open for these new titles.  NONFICTION  Jane's Fame: How Jane Austen Conquered the World, by Claire Harman This highly anticipated cultural biography of Jane Austen's rise to fame and admiration... Continue Reading →

Apple Blossoms in June? Austen’s Literary Mystery

It was a sweet view -- sweet to the eye and the mind. English verdure, English culture, English comfort, seen under a sun bright, without being oppressive...It might be safely viewed with all its appendages of prosperity and beauty, its rich pastures, spreading flocks, orchard in blossom, and light column of smoke ascending. Emma, Chapter... Continue Reading →

Buying Austen Books a Disagreeable Duty? Never!

Since I wrote last, my 2nd edition (Sense and Sensibility) has stared me in the face. Mary tells me that Eliza means to buy it. I wish she may. It can hardly depend upon any more Fyfield Estates. I cannot help hoping that many will feel themselves obliged to buy it. I shall not mind... Continue Reading →

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