Bronte’s Mistress: A Novel, by Finola Austin — A Review

From the desk of Molly Greeley: The mystique of the BrontĂ« sisters hasn’t lessened in the years since they wrote their extraordinary novels. Their brother Branwell is remembered by history less for his literary talents than for his notorious addictions, and for the alleged affair he had with his pupil’s mother, Lydia Robinson. In Brontë’s... Continue Reading →

A Preview & Exclusive Excerpt of Brontë’s Mistress: A Novel, by Finola Austin

From the desk of Laurel Ann Nattress:  Hello dear readers. How is your summer going so far? What have you been reading? My TBR pile is still out of control, but I have managed to enjoy several very diverse genres from romcoms to Austenesque to nonfiction writing books. I have Indulged my “imagination in every... Continue Reading →

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